Try Something Different

24 04 2024

Warning: you won’t like this one.

Yesterday was the primary election in Pennsylvania. I am sure I am not the only person who feels overwhelmed and exhausted by the relentless political ads, talking head commentary, social media spats, and the rest of the incessant “My idea is better than your idea” bellowing.

I am not naïve; I understand that people have different ideas about how our country should be run, who is fit to manage our concerns, and what is appropriate to govern. I am losing patience, though, with the team mentality that seems to have gripped a fair portion of the citizenry.

We seem intent on acting out some ridiculous little theater versions of the Hatfields and the McCoys – or the Eagles and the Giants, or the Yangs and the Comms, or Gryffindor and Slytherin – to the point of getting almost nothing of value accomplished. Carrying a banner without understanding the goal has become the norm.

If Scrabble can release a cooperative, not competitive, version of itself, I think we should try to be less combative and more collaborative. Most of us, I believe, want close to the same things: safe water, food, and streets; freedom to speak our minds; respectful and fair treatment; and peace.

We are all prisoners of our own echo chambers and it’s doing none of us any good. I’m not suggesting that we surrender our ethics; I am asking that we try to understand exactly where and why we disagree. That would be one step toward closing the widening chasm between folks who don’t even know each other. Seems to be a reasonable exercise. Be nice.



6 responses

24 04 2024

Brava! Said with your usual humor, it contains a crucial message that needs to be heard (read) and heeded!

24 04 2024

Thank you. I so appreciate your positive comment.

25 04 2024
Carol Johnson

Amen, and how refreshing it would be to hear people discussing issues instead of bashing candidates. And it’s high time that government got back to operating for the people instead of for power. If bipartisanship is dead, we’re all screwed.

25 04 2024

Attitudes to outdated ideas are beginning to alter. The time for cooperation and equality is upon us. The pandemic altered the mindsets of millions who are now seeking a balanced way of life.

25 04 2024

I heard something tonight written by a minister. She went to visit an older person that she didn’t know. Among the things in the person’s space was a travel mug or some much thing with a symbol of a political candidate that the minister greatly disapproves of. She felt herself close up just a little bit but realized that was wrong. I mean, she couldn’t help it but she was supposed to be above all that. She set aside her gut reaction and had a lovely, long conversation with this good woman.

She told of another, similar interaction. She said that she may never comprehend why these folks have the beliefs they have. And they’ll never likely vote for the same candidates. But… they are children of the same creation we are, and have value just the same. We cheat ourselves when we throw up walls and let preconceived notions about others rule out interactions. We don’t want to throw away our ethics, but we can learn to set it aside and appreciate the humanity of our neighbor.

Conversations and openness are more important today than ever before. I have siblings whom I disagree with. And for a long while it was easier to not communicate with them than to have to deal with the fallout. But at the end of the day I had to let that go and accept that we’re family. I’ll ignore the faded banner ganging off my brother’s porch and just walk on. And maybe we can plant some seeds of new ideas in each other’s lives.

We are in the end all one tribe.

26 04 2024

Thank you, Robin, for reading and for responding so personally and thoughtfully.

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